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The New Face of RainHand

Hello folks!

Rainhand Books (originally has been through a number of changes since its debut in 2012. Originally I intended it just as a place to collect my own printed works, and the occasional stray thought. While this was enjoyable, it never really amounted to a whole lot in the way of content. Well, years and times change, and in that time I've had a chance to delve into the love of reading that drove me to become an author myself in the first place.

Fast forward to the present, and the new initiative for RainHand. I'd like to be involved in the writing community again, and given I know what it's like to be a new, self-published author struggling for attention, I've decided to merge my love of a good read/review with a nod to folks looking to promote their work. The result is "RainHand Books and Reviews!" As an informal initiative I hope to meet some wonderful new and self-published authors, share some social exposure for them, and most of all, read some great books!

So stay tuned for some book reviews from authors you may not know too well, but might just be hiding must read gems you have to check out!

Thanks for reading RainHand!