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Musings - Of Niches and Book Reviews

Hello from RainHand!

When I was taking those #2 pencil Scantron tests in school way back in 198x-199x, there was always one specific instruction in bold text at the end of every section--not that we really needed to be told this mind, as we were quite eager to comply--but it went something like this: STOP HERE. PUT YOUR PENCIL DOWN. Words to live by? Perhaps not, but I still have something to learn from them. (Don't worry, this is a good thing for you if you're looking for a book review! Read on to find out why.)

See, I like to tell stories, and I like to write. I like these things so much that I have never before been able to stick with keeping a journal, until I chose to write an ongoing story just for myself during 'journaling' time instead. Why babble about my day when I can indulge in the struggles of the vast realm inside my head?? (Incidentally, I have no idea how long that journal-story is, but I've filled up at least one college-ruled composition book and will be on to the next soon.) In my time publishing stories online, I've had some trouble with readers who take in a short sci-fi tale, come back tomorrow, and find fantasy, horror, or even romcom as the next thing on my list. Doc Brown once claimed to be a student of all sciences. I'm a student of all (or at least many) genres, and I like changing things up to take on new challenges whenever I can. I spent three years working on an opus-level adult high fantasy novel that tipped the scales at 144,000 words (a big bite for an agent, I know). It doesn't have a home yet, but I became quickly distracted from finding it one by my next project...a middle grade contemporary adventure story that clocks in at about six-figures less. I'm surprised at how well the latter rolled out of my mind and off my pen. It was fun to compose, and as there seem to be many more agents looking for such things now, I believe I'll be focusing on a home for that one first. But see, that's the thing--I need to put my pencil down. So, I'm trying to keep my ideas for a potential sequel on the drawing board while I shop manuscripts. I wonder how long my muse can be kept at bay.

In the meantime, less drafting time for me means more reviewing time for you. I hope to step-up my reading schedule, and continue to make RainHand a voice for the indie author community. There have been a lot of fascinating reads in the past--I can't wait to check out more!