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Ord Progress and Cover Snafu

Hello all who are keeping up!

Wanted to provide a quick status report. Book II of the Traveler of Ord is progressing well. I've just finished chapter three and chapter five is written already...even though I don't have a chapter four yet. I actually decided to shorten the prologue and use the latter half of it as chapter five instead. Prologues should be short in my opinion, and the way I had it setup it was just too long. Marie and company have just run afoul of something nasty -- I'll leave it at that for now :)

Also, for anybody who has been wondering, the paperback version of TGL has been unavailable on Amazon for awhile now. I'm very sorry about that. After the new cover went to print we noticed two very minor errors that needed to be corrected, and ever since Paul has diligently been trying to figure out why the createspace editor won't justify the margin correctly on anything new we upload, no matter what templates are used! I know there are people out there who have asked, and all I can say is I will let you know as soon as it is resolved by posting here. If anybody would like to be individually contacted, just let me know and I will do so. Kudos to Paul Beeley for his diligence!!

The journeys of the traveler continue on!