Cover Update!

Hmmm, it seems I used the word "exceptional" at least three times in that last post. Oh well, goes to show you what can happen in a book if you don't proofread a zillion times.

At any rate, it's confirmed -- The Goldenwealth Light will indeed be receiving a totally new cover design, by noted designer Paul Beeley. Paul has created art for such covers as Radiance: Love After Death, by Debra Jayne East, which as of this post has been voted #1 best illustrated book cover on Goodreads!

I'm very excited to be working with Paul on this project. The new cover is still in its initial stages at this point, but plans are to include actual images of Theo and Marie to give readers an image of what they look like past just the descriptions in the text, as well as a beautiful view of the Gossamer City in all its prismastone glory. When the new cover is complete, the design will be updated to the paperback and kindle versions of the book (which also presents me with a handy opportunity to correct a few minor typographical errors in the text that several diligent readers were kind enough to point out).

Stay tuned for possible teaser images!