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Thank you, readers, for making The Goldenwealth Light a success!

Citizens of the Gossamer City,

To everyone who participated in The Goldenwealth Light's free two-day promotion through Amazon KDP select, I would like to take a moment to personally thank you. Because of you, as of this writing The Goldenwealth light is the 26th bestseller in the Amazon Kindle ebooks > teens > Science Fiction & Fantasy category, with 301 downloads through, 21 downloads through, and a total of three downloads between and! There are still two and a half hours left, so if you haven't gotten your copy yet, go grab it now!

As promised, readers will have the opportunity to win free copies of the paperback version of The Goldenwealth Light by completing a trivia challenge. Click the second link under the "Pages" section to the right for details.

Without readers, an author is doing little more than talking to themselves. Thank you for your support of this book, and for being a lover of books in general.

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